Friday, April 8, 2011

Status Update: Score and 1/2 the map

I am acclumulating more and more badges and I am almost up to 250,000 points.

When I look at the progress map it almost seems like I am nearing the end. The map has a peculiar shape, but it makes sense. The tree of exercises begins very thing, at the trunk, with addition and subtraction and the like. Then things begin to branch out, but the tree has a definite top, where the lessons come together with calculus.

I am a bit let down, feeling like I blazed through things too quickly, but I have to remember that this course of study is for a younger individual. My major focus will be filling in any gaps in my knowledge (which I am realizing there are some) and then branching out from there. Once I have my basic mechanics down, then I can explore other arenas. I am very interested in probability, so I will have to earn some high level badges in the arithmetic and algebra sections in order to fufil further learning.

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